But unlike sand hill road's overrated & lazy rattlesnakes we know that diversity across executive teams and within boards of directors leads to better outcomes, and we are still hungry to compete and keep winning**.
"FREE" Advice
Your $10,000 D0n@t!0n will be routed to one of the non-profit institutions we are lucky to support with our time and a portion of our profits. Speak to us to learn more and we promise to add far more value than oth3rs.
On Sale
On Sale
SAFE Seed Funding + Advice
Ever wonder why they decided to call it a "SAFE"? We think diversity across the founding teams and executive ranks and rising stars that we work with is $mart business and we like to use a novel legal instrument called "DRISKY". ;)
On Sale
On Sale
Lets be honest, if you're looking to "BLITZSCALE" your business while lighting a fresh mountain of c@p!tal on FU3G0, we're not interested in partnering with you... but if you feel the "flywheel" cranking and want to "shift into aggressive track mode", then we'd love to share some of our supercars, open our book of "crash lessons", and give you a mix of ethanol and gasoline for some extra horsepower... (assuming that you can demonstrate your engine + transmission + tires can handle the extra P0W3R and that your head is screwed on straight) ;)